I've read the blogs from the brides who were just married, who all say that something will go wrong. It may be big or small, it may happen before the wedding, or the day itself. But all of them are in agreement that you need to just roll with the punches. And most of them all say that either 1) it ended up not being a big deal 2) they didn't even notice it or 3) it made the day better!
So, I've been waiting and wondering, what would go wrong on my day? Not in a terrified doomsday type of panic, but more in a humorous and curious wonder. As long as we're both there, the officiant is there, and we don't lose the wedding license.... we're good. So, I've been kind of waiting and wondering.
Well, Sunday morning the first "thing" happened. You all remember my centerpieces??Well, my mom is taking care of them. She's responsible for getting them all put together and set up. And she, along with my dad, decided that they were not going to use the goblets/wine glasses of the bunch because they were afraid they'd tip over if the table were bumped. It's a good idea, and I totally understand the reasoning behind it, it's just that we had more of those than anything. Plus, we weren't overflowing with the glass to begin with. So it had me a little worried. I had this picture in my head of how they were going to look, and now.... not so much. But I realized that if this is the only thing that doesn't go according to plan, then we're in good shape. After all, I'd rather have the centerpieces look a little differently than to catch something on fire. You want to talk about something going wrong!
And so I'm still waiting. We haven't booked the carriage yet, so there's still a chance of not getting one. The food or the DJ could be terrible. But as the clock winds down, I'm actually finding a little inner peace. It will all be okay in the end. Too bad I can't bottle this up and sell it.
Tonight we meet with the caterer for the last time. The head-count for food will be 140. For seats, 135. Not too far off from the 150 we estimated, which is good!
How To Propagate Succulents
5 days ago
Squeeee! You're getting so close!
So excited for you!!! Something will go wrong, but at the end of the day YOU WILL BE MARRIED! Keep that inner peace! My husband's mom was late to the ceremony and our worship songs didn't show up on the big screen but nobody remembers these things!
It's so exciting that its right around the corner! :) Good luck and enjoy it !
Yea! It's almost here. Your big day! Yes things will go wrong and some of them you won't know about til after the wedding!
You've got the perfect mindset! You're day, no matter what goes wrong, will be absolutely amazing! So just roll with the punches and enjoy every little second!!! ; )
Just remember that even if something doesn't get set up or go acording to the plan in your head it'll still look amazing.
I still need to blog about this but the guys were in charge of setting up the reception site and to say they forgot a lot is an undetstatement. But in the end it still looked really cool.
Your wedding day will be lovely no matter what! I can't believe it's almost here!
It sounds like your day is getting really close! That is so exciting!!!
You've been awarded the Uber Amazing Blog Award!
Um ... can I ask a dumb question? If you have 140 people but 135 seats, does that mean 5 guests will stand? Or are they meals for vendors? Or will you just squeeze in a few more people?
Wow. Whatever you have as your centerpieces, it will be beautiful, I'm sure of that! That your folks are doing it for you, is so special!
Don't think of it as SOMETHING WILL GO WRONG. You might forget something, or something isn't as you originally imagined...
But, even if something did go NOT AS PLANNED, you have to roll with it..., enjoy this day..., you are with the ONE and the ones you love. What else could be better?
that's so true .. it happened with all of ma friends .. you know why? coz everyone thinks about it as the perfect day then everyone is getting shocked as if for the first time in the history of the world they realize that nothing is perfect .. perfection doesn't exist !
i'm happy for you n for every bride to be .. just calm down .. be prepared for anything .. enjoy every moment .. good luck !
I think the same thing!
As far as the candles. I am having them too. I am going to put a mirror under the centerpiece which is $5.00 at Save on Crafts and use museum putty. I seen the putty on tv and they use it in museums to keep the precious things from tipping. I want to save Save ON Crafts has something similar.
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