Because as I type this, I am PRAYING that the stupid Fed Ex guy will come and deliver my wedding invitations in the next hour before we close and I go home. Otherwise, I will have to wait yet another day to get them.
UPS would never do this to me (okay, maybe they would, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt here).
See, I had them shipped to my work because 1) it was less expensive 2) I thought it'd be easier - the Fed Ex guy comes almost every day (of course, we get UPS every day, twice a day). But nooooooo..... Because only my name was on the package, and not my work's name as well, Fed Ex got confused. Was it a business? A home?? What? Seriously people, why not trying to just give it to the driver who covers that area - and who is in our little design plaza EVERY SINGLE DAY - and let him have at it. I bet he could have figured it out.
But no.
It wasn't loaded on the truck yesterday. Boo. So I called and tracked it, and they were going to "call (me) back". Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Yeah, like they actually call people back. So this morning, first thing, I call again. We clear up the confusion (the whole, "is it a business??" thing) and they are going to see if the driver can come back to the warehouse and pick them up. Great! Once again, they are supposed to "call (me) back" to let me know. Ha ha ha ha ha!! So I call AGAIN just about an hour ago. Supposedly now, they are on the truck. Really?? Hmmm.... somehow I just don't get the warm fuzzies. I am not sure this person is being honest.
(*Quick sidenote: people in business will LIE to you. Straight up lie, to buy them more time to figure out how to nicely tell you something bad...)
So.... please pray for my wedding invitations. And the person who answers the phone tomorrow morning when I call AGAIN.... if they are not on the truck this afternoon.
They have lost the package!!!
It was checked into the terminal here and then...... *poof* gone.
They know they are wedding invitations and are actively searching right now. And because anything having to do with weddings is given a priority - they are really really searching hard.
Okay, I think I may go throw-up right now....
*****UPDATE #2******
Okay, as of this morning it is still lost. They are looking for it, and I have the phone # of a person there at the warehouse that I can call and follow up with. Also - found out that the package DID INDEED have my name AND the company name on it, so that excuse that they gave me yesterday was bad.
I am trying to stay positive and hopeful, but at the same time I am pondering the etiquette of E-vites. Okay, just kidding - a little.
I have about 2 weeks before I really really NEED to get these out. That would be 2 weeks before the reply-by date of October 26th. Of course, if they truly are lost, then the reply-by date can be changed.....
Weekend Wrap Up
1 day ago
Holy crap, it's amazing just how easy it is for people to lose packages.
Hopefully they find them soon.
I just had to fight with the front office for a few packages that were delivered but they refused to admit they had even though someone signed for it.
OMG - I will think good happy thougts - mine got held up in customs but I got them in the end, happy thought happy thoughts!!
Ahhh, I am so sorry to hear this! I hope you get them today and don't have to throttle the poor driver. Keep us posted!
oh sweetie, I'm so sorry!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they find them for you!!!!
Geez that's crazy. I hope they find it!!!!
Uh-oh. Does no updates on the invites= bad news? :/
Ummmmm... yeah, so did you hear MY save-the-dates were lost enroute from EAD via Chicago?
I'm so so so sorry for you. I know what you're going through! This blows. Curse fedex!
Sooo? Doesn't sound like good news? SORRY! Do they compensate you for stuff like this? Not that there is any compensation valid enough for the drama, heart ache and worry... On the positive side: you can change anything! (Yeah, like you didn't already perfect everything just the way you wanted it...) SORRY! x
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