Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Readers' Home Tours

I love home tours! I love seeing other people's homes, how they live, how they solved common decorating dilemas. I'm nosy.
So, I'm really excited that over at EAD Living, they are looking for real-life pictures from readers' homes and/or gardens! What a cool idea! I can't wait to see all the pictures.

Don't forget to send in pictures from your place!

Go over and read about it here.

*By the way, yes, that is my super-ugly and outdated bathroom. I'm planning on sprucing it up sometime this year, so stay tuned. But this just goes to show you that yes, we DO want to see how you live, because not all of us live in those pretty homes in the magazines!


Ellen Mint said...

Oh man I don't know if I dare to show off our apartment. We still live off borrowed furniture and the like. I guess our bookshelf is kinda cool.

Krista said...

Wow. I'll copy you some day. Just not today - too much to do!

Btw, if you're 33, you're in your thirty-fourth year. That doesn't mean you're 34! So I'm in my twenty-eighth year (I'm 27). Don't get depressed!

Lindsey said...

I love seeing other people's home too!

Anonymous said...

i love home tours too! sometimes on sunday afternoons we'll hit up local open houses, even though we're not on the market, just to see inside :)

hey i have a weekly Free Giveaway Friday and this week's is a cute purse, so be sure to swing by and enter to win!

Becca said...

Sometimes I go to open houses just to's so much fun!

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