No, that's not a reference to Jack Bauer...
That's the number of days until November 15th, our wedding day!!
Can I just say that there are choruses of "OH.MY.GOSH." ringing through my heart??
It is quickly going to be upon us!! All the planning and thinking and ordering and making will all come to fruition finally. It's a strange feeling, to tell you the truth. As my time to get things done becomes shorter, there are some things I wish I would have maybe done differently now. Small things. Incidentals. Not that what I did the first time was bad, it's just that I now would have chosen something different. But c'est la vie.
There is a great post over at Elizabeth Anne Designs this morning about Save-the-Dates that feature a few really really creative and inexpensive ideas!! How cool is this idea!?!? I'm not sure exactly how you'd mail it, but it's something different that I haven't seen before.Obviously, the image is originally from Ceci New York.
I think that being engaged for about a year has been plenty of time. Really, though, the longer you are engaged, the more you see! More invitation ideas! More dress ideas! More reception ideas!! And with that comes good and bad... Being engaged for a while is great because you're exposed to so many cool ideas from people all over the world - creative ideas you would never have dreamed of, which can make planning fun! Like I said, if I were doing my Save-the-Dates now or in the near future, I'd probably do something a little different than what we did. But the bad is that once you send them out, the next best thing will inevitably come along. There will always be something new and creative and wonderful, and there will always be things that you might have done differently, given the chance again.
The stage I'm in right now is the letting-it-all-go. I know that what I've done will be lovely and beautiful, and that really, at the end of the evening, we will be married and enjoying a great party with our friends and family! And that's what's important to me, that's what matters.
But it's still a little hard to not see something and think, "Oooooh, that's cool...", wherein you immediately start thinking if it could relate or work with your wedding!! It's like "Stop already!!" lady!
I think it will finally all sink in that day, when I'm putting on my dress.
And I won't be thinking of colors or invitations or flowers... I'll be thinking of Chris.
How To Propagate Succulents
6 days ago
Oh my gosh... 24 days! That's so close! Ohhh, i'm getting excited for you just thinking about it! :)
Yup. After a while there are too many ideas and too little time. At 24 days I assume you've got almost everything together. Time is flying!
seriously, i could have written this post. I think I second-guessed EVERY decision we made because I would always something I like more and that was really frustrating. AND what made it worse was, like you, we were on a HUGE budget so we couldn't even afford to do half of the amazing things you see!
What did you think of Baby Mama? I want to see it. I think it's in my queue.
Wow, 24 days!!! I have butterflies for you!!! I cant imagine how Im going to be when my turn comes!!! I'll need lots of yoga to try to relax!!! Hope you are not as stressed out as I am!!!
Ok, it freaks me out to think you have 24 days, because in my head that's about how far out we are (even though I posted just today about it being 18 days!) but our wedding is a week before yours... eeeek!
24 DAYS!!!! That is so exciting! It's hard not to second guess your every decision but I'm sure what you have chosen will be perfect!
How exciting! Good luck and try to enjoy the last 24 days before the big day arrives!
Oh my, 24 days is soon and so exciting.
You totally have the right idea to be trying to let go of the little things at this stage. The last few weeks are hard and stressing about details is not how you should be spending them!
I can't wait to see and hear how it all goes, I'm sure it will be wonderful. Whatever the save the dates were like!
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