Last night I caught up with my photographer on the phone and discussed my "vision" for our wedding, the pictures, and the shot lists we definitely wanted. It was really nice to catch up with her and chat - I feel like because we kind of "click", she'll do a great job on our wedding because she knows us.
Throughout the months, I've been keeping my eye out for cool poses and cool pictures that we could use for inspiration. Most of these I have the credit for, but there are a couple I do not.... if you know who they're by - let me know and I'll be sure to give proper credit.
The first one is a group of bridesmaids, and I thought their little "pose" was kind of cute! It's different and more interesting than just standing there. Also, this bride looks UNCANNILY like my youngest sister Jacque. Really, it's scary...This next one I think I've shared before. Again, it's a group of bridesmaids and a bride, and I just thought it was a cool photograph with lots of attitude!! Plus, it shows the 'maids in different dresses, which will be like my wedding.
*Both above photos from Stacy Reeves Photography
Chris is a little superstitious and doesn't want to see me before the wedding, so I thought this picture might be fun to take!! I've seen lots of variations on it -it's just a cute and fun photo.
This next one is not really a "pretty" picture, but it's from my college alma mater, so.... I thought it was cool. Too bad we can't make the bride's cake look like this!!
What a cool shot of a band!! Seriously. Very cool.
Okay, I know this guy is married. And I love Chris very much. But, hello!! Mr. Handsome!
I also think this is a pretty cool pose for the guys. They look like they're just hanging out and relaxing.*Above photos from BluDoor Studios
This next picture is so romantic to me!! And we have a staircase at our venue!!
And of course, there is the shoes shot.
This picture is really cool and appeals to me because of the architecture in it. Love it.*Above pictures from One Love Photography
These next couple photos I don't have the credits for... sorry!! But I am in love with the first one!! How cool is this picture?? Hopefully, we'll get a pic like this too, although I don't think this was "posed". I think it was just one of those magical moments.... awwww......
For our day-after shoot, I'm hoping to get a couple that look like this. I love the "big sky" shots! I just hope it doesn't rain. Or is frigidly cold. Snow would be kind of cool... but also freakish for November in Texas!
How To Propagate Succulents
6 days ago
That mirror shot is amazing.
regarding the ribs on my site you can link to the recipe by clicking on the Asian short ribs link.
They are super yummy!
at my own wedding we did a "shoe shot" but it was me and all the bridesmaids. I told them not to wear stockings, and to wear something open toe/slip on - ish. Theyu got to choose their own shoes.
I love that photo.
Also, we did one at a Lighthouse with the bridal party..., the first shot was serious and posed, I wanted the second one to be goofy, so I said "everyone make a silly face and pose". Love that one too.
Also, it's nice if you can get one shot of EVERYONE. Whether it is at the ceremony site or reception, if there is a balcony, or if the photographer can stand everyone on stairs, or something, it's one that you can always look back on and see all that showed up!
I love that shot of the bride and groom holding hands around the corner! I'm definitely into that idea :)
I love those pics you posted, especially the mirror. I love the use of reflection and shadows... and you can't forget the shoe shot :)
wow, that mirror shot is gorgeous. Our photographer was very much there but not invovled, just photographing thigns as they happened, so we don't really have any of the big 'shots'. Some great moments though. It's definitly a good diea to figure it all out with your photogrpaher beforehand, we thought we were on the same page as ours so we didn't discuss things properly and ended up a bit disappointed with ther results.
I love the picture with the bride on one side of the door and the groom on the other side (Picture #3). Very original and perfect if your soon to be husband doesn't want to see you before the wedding!
I love the shot with the bride and groom either side of the door - gorgeous!
All of those shots are great!! You've got it right by keeping a collection of the shots you want I think your photos are going to turn out great!
The shots that show the groom on one side of the door & the bride on another are fabulous! FI & I aren't seeing one another before the wedding, so we'll definitely be doing something along those lines.
And I love that first uncredited shot- fantastic framing!
I love all these shots--they're so fun! Although I must say the one of the couple not seeing each other is probably my favorite--too cute!
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